If not, are you prepared to accept the consequences?


Construction Products Regulation 305/2011 (CPR)

As a mechanical contractor or consultant, you may be wondering what this has to do with heating / cooling equipment.  The answer is EVERYTHING if you are considering using a packaged plant or pump house for your next project!

What is the risk to your organisation when using a non-certified fabrication company for the supply of these products?

Failure to appoint a certified fabricator to provide these products will be in breach of the Building Regulations and may result in a breach of contractual requirements with your client, financial consequences, ultimately loss of client confidence and potential loss of future business. From an insurance point of view, if as result of storm damage, will an insurer cover the fabric damage or worst-case personal injury claims?

So, what is required from you?

Under the CPR, legal compliance to EN1090-1:2009 came into force on the 1stJuly 2014.  This requires all steel and aluminium fabricators who place components (including plantrooms) on to the market as a construction product to be CE marked.  This ensures that the product has been fabricated in strict accordance with

    • a certified design,
    • there is full traceability of materials,
    • personnel are competent to carry out the task
    • and that an auditable process is in place to ensure compliance with the standard.

The pre-packaged concept

Euro Gas Pak Plant have been at the forefront of Pre-Packaged plantroom construction in Ireland for over 20 years. Our units are constructed within a factory environment by a skilled workforce ensuring that the pre-packaged concept provides a fast and effective means of production to meet the ever-increasing demands of the construction industry whilst also providing the highest level of quality.

This concept of pre or purpose designing packaged plant rooms is to ensure that the most effective use of floor space is taken up by the plant room. Significant cost savings are realised by not having to create plant rooms within the building envelope.

Euro Gas Pak Plant

Manufacture and minimising of site construction time

Emphasis is placed on developing a workshop programme tailored specifically for each project, ensuring production time is maximised. The prepackaged plant rooms are subjected to continuous design reviews, with improvements being implemented at appropriate times, the final objective being to achieve the correct balance between ease of construction, function, appearance and cost.

Rest assured that Euro Gas Pak Plant conform to the requirements of the CE Marking standards of EN 1090-1:2009+A1:2011 and are certified to the same.

If you are concerned about how EN 1090 and the CPR affects your next project and would like to take advise on this, or would like to discuss the supply of a fully compliant plantroom, then please get in touch.