Denis O’ Keeffe
MD of Euro Gas/ PakPlant
Joined the company in 2000. Over 25 experience in the industry with a contracting background. A keen GAA man and handy golfer.
James Porter
Sales Director
Over 15 year’s experience in the HVAC market. A keen hockey player and fair weather golfer!
Oxana McElhinney (FCCA)
Financial Controller
Joined the company in August 2021. Enjoys yoga, knitting & gardening.
Maria O Connor
Accounts Assistant
Over 15 years with company and manages the accounts department on a day to day basis. A keen golfer and a crafty baker.
Tony Cullen
Joined the company in 2008 with a specialist background in logistics. A keen cyclist.
Brendan Barnes
Joined the company in 2006. Previously Parts & Service manager before transferring into sales. A proud Kerryman but has no All Ireland medals yet.
Nick Eldridge
Technical Sales
Nick is a keen golfer, triathlete and follower of motorbike racing, especially MotoGP.
Marcos Mota
Technical Sales Engineer
Joined the company in 2022. A graduate in Electronic Engineering. Enjoys a good book & playing football.
Dylan Ryan
Technical Sales
Recently joined the team in 2023 with a background in Electronic Engineering. Is a rugby enthusiast and trained in life saving.
Paul Roche
Parts & Service Manager
Joined the company in 2014. A qualified electrician.
Anita Marjara
Sales Assistant & Marketing
Joined the company in 2014. Provides back up services to the sales team. Enjoys being out and about for cycles and walks.
Emma Morrissey
Systems Manager
Joined the company in 1995 and has worked in a variety of positions in the company. Enjoys being creative from baking to crafts.